Outdoor Camping Experience

Roof top tents offers a unique and exciting way to experience the great outdoors and elevates your camping experience, providing numerous benefits like panoramic views, safety, convenience, and comfort. It is easy to set up, versatile and reliable choice for any outdoor enthusiast.

Camp Himalaya

Our Top Gears

the ultimate Destination for Camping

Discover the serene camping spots surrounding Kathmandu Valley! Enjoy majestic mountain views and serene forest retreats.

green area

benefits of roof top tent

Are you tired of traditional camping experiences and yearning for something more adventurous? Imagine sleeping under the stars, surrounded by nature, with the comfort of your own portable haven atop your car. Welcome to the world of rooftop tents!


Roof-top tents are versatile and can be mounted on various types of vehicles, from SUVs and trucks to smaller cars.


Enjoy a comfortable sleeping space above the ground, away from rocks, bugs, and dampness.

Easy & Quick setup

Setting up a roof-top tent is a breeze, taking only a few minutes, allowing you more time to relax and enjoy the great outdoors.


Easily move from one campsite to another without the need to pack and unpack your tent every time.


Elevating your sleeping quarters can provide an added sense of security from wildlife encounters.

Space efficiency

Save valuable space in your car for other camping essentials. With a rooftop tent, your sleeping quarters are conveniently stored on the roof, leaving the interior for storage, cooking, and relaxation.


What our Customers say